Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Is the juice worth the squeeze?

If your in IB then you must be familiar with long nights full of hard work, weekends gone to waste because of homework, and time with friends and family shorten because of your education. These things may cause some people to wonder if IB is really worth all this trouble. So this is your oportunity to say what you must about the IB life. Is the juice really worth the squeeze? Does hardwork really payoff?

Who is your favorite IB teacher?

Now all of the IB teachers are very dedicated and hardworking, but there are just some teachers who manage to win over their students. Now it is time to reveal to the IB world who your favorite IB teacher is and why.

Hello IB

This is a blog created by Paul Krysik and Leonardo Lopez for our ITGS final project. This is a place were you will get a chance to converse among each other and discuss IB matters such as homework, teachers, up coming IB events, tests, or somewhere were you get a chance to meet each other. So I would just like to welcome you all and I hope you guys like it.