Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Is the juice worth the squeeze?

If your in IB then you must be familiar with long nights full of hard work, weekends gone to waste because of homework, and time with friends and family shorten because of your education. These things may cause some people to wonder if IB is really worth all this trouble. So this is your oportunity to say what you must about the IB life. Is the juice really worth the squeeze? Does hardwork really payoff?


rickybobby1001 said...

Very nice leo, love the quote from the girl next door, good movie. Ok so ill start it off.

Yea IB is alot of work and alot of bs you have to deal with. You also dont have the life of a regular teenager. The bright side is that you are way better prepared for college and even life i guess. When i go to college im not going to blow my brains out like other kids cause i can handle it, and ill have alot more time to party. But still I really wish I could have less work and more free time to do the things that I want to do instead of always doing what other people want me to do (ie Ms. Barnes)

jamie i said...

Totally agree with rickbobby1001, IB is a lot of stress and hard work ("hard work" doesn't even cover it, its more like work-your-but-off, hard work) I just wish I could have been a little more prepared for the hard work when I came into IB, all they say is "oh yeah, IB is good for helping you with college" but they never mentioned the hard work in between freshman year in high school and college. Freshman year was pretty easy, I didn't have any problems keeping up with the work, sophomore year was relaxed, nothing really big happened, but junior year...don't even get me strated...oh and i can't wait for senior year (ekk!) but if theres something i've learned is that it's not a good idea to procrastinate on big projects (like we all do for every single project), analyze EVERYTHING i do or see (seriously, i'm sitting watching a movie and i strat to look for patterns and themes, by the end of the movie i have a whole argument about how the movie sucked), and most imporant of all: i've learned to use really big words that sound smart in complex sentances and make people feel dumb beucase they don't know what I said.

ittybittyemii said...

Yeaaaa...Ib has been a challenge for me the entire 3 years i've been in it. Although I am hoping and praying that all these sleepless nights and awful deadlines are not in vain; COLLEGE will not be as difficult as they say (then again consider the sources)Although at times I feel that this is a waste because even if we learn to deal with stress, we don't usually get the grades to prove the hardwork we've done, so then does that mean we prove to ourselves that we aren't capable of succeeding? I know many times we all slack off, that's usually why we stay up all night. Our procrastination is what brings us to this and also trying to compensate for all the time lost with family and friends. I think it can be looked at either way. ;-D

Anonymous said...

fuck man. i thought this was gonna be a talk about the movie not about IB. fucking shit.

Ana Banana said...

nope not worth it....i bust my behind n what do i get....a rejection letter from loyola....ugh!!!